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Model Making

Tips and techniques to make and paint better scale models and plastic kits for model railways, military plastic kits, miniatures and wargaming

How to make model roses

how to make model roses oo scale
For a small Valentine's Day diorama on one of my layouts, I wanted an OO scale figure holding some red roses. Here's how I made them. Compared to model [...]

A quick & proven method for making modelling putty / paste

making your own model paste
Just a quick and proven tip to making your own modelling putty when you need to fill a hole on a model or miniature and have run out of, or can't get, your [...]

Model Snowmen: how to make an oo gauge Snowman

model snowman
Want a snowman for your Christmas train set or Winter diorama? Don't have a meltdown making them. Chill out and and follow this simple guide to making your own [...]

How to prevent Humbrol & Revell enamel paint tinlets from drying out

humbrol paint drying out
Follow these simple steps and your Humbrol and Revell tinlets will last for years. [...]

The best glue for metal miniatures

metal miniatures for wargaming
Here's a quick post on how to stick metal miniatures together. [...]

How to create convincing corners with Plasticard

how to make plasticard corners
Plasticard, aka Styrene sheet, is a great material for making buildings but just glueing sheets together can leave you with ugly corners. This article looks at [...]

Make a DIY model painting turntable

make your own model painting turntable
How to make a turntable for model and miniature painting. [...]

Wet pallets: a must have painting accessory

Wet Pallet
If you haven't aren't using a wet pallet you're missing out. [...]

Handy station building resource

Station colours website
A goldmine for station modellers. [...]

Can I mix Humbrol, Tamiya and Revel enamel paints?

Can I mix different makes of enamel paint? [...]

Vintage Signs For Your Layout

Old Advertising Sign
Looking for vintage advertising artwork for shop signs and posters on your layout or diorama? This is a fantastic resource. [...]

How to make a glue dispenser

precision glue applicator for model making
Improve the accuracy of glue placement on your models with this DIY precision glue dispenser. [...]

How to make your own common modelling materials

how to make your own model making supplies
Locked down due to Coronavirus? Can't get out to get model making supplies? Here's how you can make your own. [...]

Making an entrance

Morwellham mine in Devon
Progress update on my temporary mini diorama / model railway layout and how I'm making the timber mine entrance. [...]

15 recycling ideas for model making

cotton buds can be recycled and reused for a model buildings
Fifteen things from around your house you can recycle and use for model making, wargaming and model railways to save money and the environment. [...]

Make a realistic thatched roof

making a thatched roof model
Living in Surrey, I see a lot of thatched roofs. There's no denying their beauty. But recreating them in miniature for a model railway or diorama is [...]

A mystical experience

Philip Reed
What I saw took me back to childhood... [...]

Air Drying Clay: 7 Tips To Help Make Better Models, Easier and Faster

Tips for working with air-drying clay
Want to use air-drying clay for model making but put off by your first experiences with it? This is for you. [...]

Holding foam board and plasticard in place when gluing

engineers block
When making buildings from either foam board, plasticard (styrene sheet) or card - such as Metcalfe kits - a common problem is how to hold the various pieces [...]

What military models are suitable for a OO gauge Hornby model railway

model figures scale compared
There are loads of different military model scales available but which are best to go alongside your OO gauge, Hornby, trains. [...]