I've just read about a great idea that I haven't seen before. It's from the book Scenic Modelling by John de Frayssinet and if you haven't got this book I [...]
Shortly after publishing a recent article on making stone bridges I got a number of messages from modellers wanting to know more about the vegetation seen in [...]
I've covered making trees here before but I'm always on the look out for new techniques.
I recently came across this approach and have been impressed by [...]
Hot on the heals of the previous post on making your own model railway grass, comes another tip from Stephen Fay, this time a low cost technique to making [...]
While trains are the centre of attention on my railways it's small scenery surrounding the track action that I most enjoy making. They lend legitimacy to a [...]
This is perhaps my favourite tip of the year! It's a simply brilliant way to create outstandingly realistic walls, tunnel entrances and bridges for model [...]